Circle of Breath is the observation and practice of breath as a non-verbal intelligence.

There is the possibility of unexplored worlds of other intelligence capacities beyond the “thinking” brain. I am pointing to breath as an intelligence with its own expression and value equal to that of the rational intellect.

We as a species can reflect upon the extraordinary advancements in quality of life (for some humans) afforded by centuries of direct focus on developing executive cognitive function. In the next breath we might also notice how the advancement of the smart function coincides with an increasingly unbalanced relation between human beings and other intelligent earth ecosystems. We might pay attention to how we can rationalize horrendous behaviour in the name of anything. We may have algorithmically overvalued the rational function so that it has become an expression of dominance rather than an expression of co-operation.
Breath is primal. Breath is basic, meaning essential, not inferior. There would be no rational intelligence without breath. I suggest that breath is the intimate support system for cognitive functions and all of the functioning intelligent life on earth, in our solar system, within our galaxy and beyond. Scientific explorations in the quantum realms indicate that “fields of intelligence” are alive systems communicating, connecting and accessible on all levels beyond time and spatial constraints. They are responsive to who and what is observing. I have observed that my breath, when focused and connected, has received information beyond space and time, forward and back.
Rational intelligence operates within a certain range while the breath intelligence is more available to subtle information fields around and within human beings. Rational intelligence may be an extraordinary filter that needed some time frame for development. AI may be an indication of the limits of our capacity to go further into the algorithmic mind without destruction of other HUMAN qualities. I think AI is an oxymoron. I sense that it is not intelligent at all. It’s an advanced algorithm. And we as a species are suffering from chronic Algorithmic Indigestion similar to the limits of the human body to thrive on industrial algorithmically developed foods, pesticides, air and water pollutants. The algorithm is efficient in mass production and profit extraction while slowly destroying the health of life on earth. We have reached the collective maximum parts per billion of rationality. According to ancient 5 element theory, breath is the counterpart to rational intelligence. In 5 element theory “metal cuts wood.” Cutting includes shaping, eliminating the dross, curating the contents towards maximum goodness and generosity of distribution. It may be time to increase activation of this breath/metal intelligence to support the best life on earth at every level in every field of existence.

Breath has the potential to extend the boundaries of inclusive intelligence and open possibilities unseen by computational processes.

Circle of Breath is a name for an image that came to me after an expanded awareness experience while engaged in spiritual community practice. I recognized within my physical/ mental/ emotional being a gateway to infinite layers of subtle fields of information, unseen possibilities of conscious, awareness, and beyond.

The process points to breath as a bridge between the human mind and infinite fields of awareness. It is a direct doorway to something for which we have many mystical words. Yet just a fraction of our human collective has the capacity to consciously engage with expanded intelligence beyond the mapped, known mental, physical and emotional bodies.

Right now there is research on the observable effects of different types of breathing on human beings. Ancient breathing practices are being recognized and studied for their effects on human health. Meanwhile at this moment in time, everything in world culture is operating based on an algorithmic economic system. Communication, finance, leadership, education, science, basic human necessities are all governed by our response to accepted algorithms. AI is rapidly being promoted as an unquestionable necessity. I think that if we create a more indispensable foundation of operation alongside of AI we many be able to mitigate the toxic effects.

I am remembering the quote: ” “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”― Buckminster Fuller

Circle of Breath is a model for change.

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