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Circle of Breath / Sacred Astrology
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the difference between a Sacred Astrology Reading and a Spirit Life Coaching Session?
In a Sacred Astrology Reading, we use as a reference point, the planetary positions at the moment of your birth, to initiate a conversation and self-reflection about the energies and impulses moving in your life. With the language of astrology, which is mathematical, archetypal and metaphoric, we get a fresh perspective on what is happening at the moment and your own agency in it.
In a Spirit Life Coaching session, we use our common language to establish a base, and your question about how to approach a challenge and/or change that is needed. Using my process of Circle of Breath, I listen and support you to establish a clear connection with the wisdom of your own spirit. From there we create action steps and validate your motivation.
2. What information is needed for a Sacred Astrology Reading?
I need your name, birthdate, birthplace, city, state and country and the time of your birth, as accurate as possible. Please also include your current living location.
3. What if I do not have my birth time?
Birth time is often on the birth certificate. It is recorded in the hospital if you were born in one. The city or state Bureau of Vital Statistics have a record. Family members may have recorded it in a “birth book.” Speak with the elders in your family, someone may remember. If you were adopted, the adoption service may have the records. If none of the above work there are 2 more possibilities. One is to do a general sunrise reading. You will receive a little less specific information in some categories, but the planets will be in their energetic relationships and there is plenty to go on. The other option is to do a chart rectification. That takes a significant amount of preparation time. I would need the dates and times for 10-12 significant events in your life well in advance. The resulting chart may not be 100% accurate but a great deal of self knowledge and reflection comes from the process. ( I do have a surcharge for chart rectification because of the time it takes to research and compare the data ).
4. Does Sacred Astrology work with all faiths and belief systems?
The word sacred is often associated with religion or spiritual persuasions. Sacred comes from the Latin root word “sacr” and means beyond the ordinary boundary, respect for some unknown. In other words, we work with invisible energies ,”outside the box.” All faiths and non-faiths are welcome. We begin the Sacred Astrology conversation with the data of the planets at the time and place your birth. The symbols and interpretations have been evolving for thousands of years and the session is geared towards your life, your language and what you hold sacred.
5. How do I sign up for Spirit Life Coaching Sessions?
Send a message in the box below regarding your interest in Spirit Life Coaching. We will connect to see if this type of coaching is right for you. It is a new form of coaching arising from the blending of my spiritual training & practice combined with my heath/wellness/life coaching certifications.