Artificial Intelligence is emerging into our collective awareness. It is designed to become smarter, faster, and more sophisticated than human’s can think.

A true question for the heart of all humanity now is:

Is it possible for human intelligence to expand to meet the impact of technology and the trance of AI?  Will instinct, intuition, care, and emotion, soften and evolve into new dimensions? Can we make space for the higher octaves of wisdom, awareness, and compassion to infiltrate every subatomic space in our body?  We are designed to expand these capacities. But since the Age of Reason, “I think therefore I am,” we have given unprecedented value to a small subset of our intelligence. Will we allow our human capacities to decrease as technology increases?

Will we willingly abandon the distractions of excessive comforts and fugitive pleasures enabled and encouraged by runaway capitalism? Can we walk away from useless energy sucking habits of body, mind and emotion? Will we be able to reclaim precious human energy squandered in relentless pursuit of manufactured dreams?


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