Sacred Astrology

In a Sacred Astrology reading session, we use the archetypes of astrology to uncover patterns of support and agency that may have been undeveloped or unnoticed in your life.

Readings support people in finding hidden jewels in the deep layers of their being.
They are introspective and rejuvenating.

There are multiple streams of cosmic energies pulsing through our systems at any moment.

The wisdom is within the recognition, the awareness.

Sacred astrology unveils awareness.




Astrology is a symbolic language of universal rhythms.

Cosmic time keeping is extraordinarily complex and wholistically unified just as the human body is layered in multidimensional complexity while operating intact in each moment.

Using the chart information, we attune and uncover resources in your astrological being that may be “hidden” in the ordinary language of daily life.  Intersecting qualities of planetary fields are often unnoticed in the accelerating pace of the 21st century. I collaborate with you to connect gently with the imagery of your subtle interior worlds.  We align inner senses with the rhythmic motion of cosmic fields to open and receive possibilities beyond ordinary thinking.

Sacred Astrology Readings

Natal Chart Reading

75 min.  $222.00

A natal chart reading is a personal reading. We discuss the planetary placements at the time of your birth. This moment is a like a fingerprint of interactive intelligent fields that unfold and breathe through the course of your life. A reading reveals patterns that are part of your makeup and perhaps may not be spoken or seen. We use the symbolic language to discover the movement of celestial patterns, characteristics and strengths as they move through your life. We are all under the influence of planetary energies and each one of us has a unique variety of capacities and personal resources. You will gain a new perspective on the flow of your life. You can ask as many questions as you like.


Secondary Progressions Reading

75 min.  $222.00

Secondary Progressions represent the patterns of unfoldment of the inner lights of being. They have specific rhythms based upon the solar timing of your natal chart. Inner shifts of feelings and perceptions attract and sculpt what shows up on the outside. Learning to recognize these subtle shifts can help navigate events that seem to appear out of the blue. We explore inner sensations and impulses that are arising in the present time and look at the flow through past events towards the months ahead. The reading is not so much predictive as clarifying.  Connecting with subtle inner sensations can be a ripening into deeper fields of awareness. It is important to have a natal chart reading before a secondary progressed reading.

Natal Chart Rectification

75 min.  $255.00

When you have your birth date and place but not the time, it is possible to determine a best guesstimate of the birth time by correlating significant events in your life with the ephemeris. I would need dates and places of meaningful events that have happened in the course of your life. I might also ask other clarifying questions as well. This chart takes more interaction before the reading. If you’ve never had a chart rectification, it is a rewarding self awareness/life review process.

I unearthed a profound connection between the Moon and my life's influences, along with the nodes and zodiacs. When I expressed my desire to align with the planets, K illuminated, 'The Planets are you!' This revelation reshaped my perspective, granting me a newfound awareness of the origins of my traits, when to nurture my talents, and when to conceal them. The priceless secret she shared unveiled the wisdom of our ancestors who recognized the stars' significance as an additional guiding resource throughout our journey in life.

– Mariya N.

The chart she created clearly delineated aspects of my inner self that I'd never clearly identified, yet, have been keenly aware of, and struggling with for years.! Her intelligence and intuition made for an informative and inspirational exploration of the chart and of my inner being. The overall message could not have been more on point and seeing through the chart how impetus and intention may so easily go awry has been priceless in moving toward a new way of being myself. By the end of our session I really felt that I'd had a mystical experience !

Kelly M.


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